Friday, January 26, 2007

Lindsay Lohan is loving rehab
BY: Actress Archives | Friday, January 26, 2007
As Lindsay Lohan headed into the Wonderland rehab facility in Los Angeles, media outlets and paparazzi were quick to cover her time away from the party scene as eagerly as they pursued her scandalous nights on the town. While many suspected Lohan would find her rehab experience to be a grueling shock, it seems nothing could be further from the truth, as Lindsay Lohan has reportedly been loving her time in the treatment facility, or at least, all the time she is spending in the Wonderland Center.

Lohan has been at the Wonderland Center where she has been seeking help for her alcoholism since late last week. A friend of the party girl told People magazine that the experience has definitely been a positive one. "She's been sending text messages from rehab saying she's the happiest she has ever been. She seems under control right now." The report indicates that Lohan had planned to attend the Sundance Film Festival, but instead chose to remain at the rehab facility to focus on her treatment. But while Lindsay has blown off certain commitments to focus on her well-being, it seems that other obligations have drawn Lindsay out the front door of the rehab facility.

TMZ has reported that Lindsay Lohan has stepped out on her rehab facility three times in the past week, and that her fellow residents at the WOnderland Center are becoming increasingly annoyed by her behavior. On Monday, Lohan reportedly left Wonderland for a trip to her apartment, and on Wednesday, Lohan was spotted at the Newsroom Cafe having lunch with some of her friends. Then, on Thursday, Lindsay Lohan left the treatment center in order to service her SL500 at the Beverly Hills Mercedes dealership. As well, Lohan went to the set of her latest film project, I Know Who Killed Me, and also popped into a grocery story before heading back to Wonderland. As well, fellow rehab residents have been grumbling about her "visitors", her masseur, hairstylist, makeup artist, and others.



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