Friday, January 26, 2007

Paris HIlton: New sex tape
Paris Hilton was plunged into a fresh sex storm yesterday as more of her X-rated pics were put on the net.

The explicit video shows her writhing on a bed, kissing a woman, flashing her boobs and taking a foam bath.

Some of the never seen before clips show Paris pretending to smoke a tampon in its wrapper.

The sex tape was among a haul of the star’s possessions which are said to have “fallen into the wrong hands”.

Last night Paris, 25, was threatening legal action after the items went on sale on the web. And the website – – almost crashed under the volume of fans trying to log on for a peek.

The naked footage of Paris – filmed by her former fiancé, 33-year-old model Jason Shaw – can be seen for £20 a time.

Shaw taped Paris while the couple were frolicking on a yacht in St Tropez, then later splashing around in a bubble bath, while he begs her to show him her body.

It is the second time a sex video of Paris has ended up on the internet and close pals say the millionaire babe is “devastated”.

Paris famously sued ex-boyfriend Rick Salomon, 38, after he sold a video of their sex romps in 2003.

The film – dubbed One Night In Paris – later became an instant bestseller with the socialite getting a share of the profits.

Showbiz agent Eliot Mintz says his client is “incredibly upset and angry” at the latest leak.

Other personal items being flogged include a 2003 medical bill from an LA hospital.

The bill is made out to “Amber Taylor” – thought to be a fake name, as it has the same birthdate as Paris.

Also up for grabs are bottles of painkillers, sleeping



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