Paris Hilton Sues Site That Has Her Belongings
Web Editor: Rebecca Stefansky, Producer
Created: 1/30/2007 7:09:58 AM
Updated: 1/30/2007 7:10:13 AM
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Paris Hilton is suing to shut down a Web site that's showing her personal photos, videos, diaries and other things she'd once kept at a storage facility. was launched last week.
It says the items were auctioned off after Hilton neglected to pay rent to the storage facility. The site also promises that visitors who pay a fee of about $40 will get access to Hilton's passport, medical records and other legal documents.
Hilton says a moving company was supposed to have paid the fee to the storage facility. Her lawsuit says 2 people paid more than $2,700 for the contents of the storage unit and later sold the items for 10 million dollars to a third person who created
Hilton's publicist says, in addition to shutting down the Web site, she wants her stuff back.
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