Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Television Commentary
'Idol' Week 1: The Power List
Check out our ranking of contestants moving on to Hollywood week from Minneapolis and Seattle, then vote for the singer you think has the early edge
By Michael Slezak
1) Sarah Krueger (pictured)
She's beautiful, she's unassuming, and she gave a knockout rendition of ''Somewhere Over the Rainbow.'' Only concern: Did her song choice (and delivery) make her look like a copycat of season 5 runner-up Katharine McPhee?

2) Sanjaya Malakar
Younger half of a potent brother-sister combo tackled Stevie Wonder, and unlike so many Idol wannabes, didn't sacrifice melody for melisma. Give the kid a buzz cut, combine with his megawatt smile, and you've got a top-24 contender.

3) Rudy Cardenas
Watching Paula drool (and Seacrest go in for a half-hug) over the 28-year-old Venezuelan-born hunk was high comedy, but the guy's mighty fine rendition of Journey's ''Open Arms'' proves his Idol aspirations are no laughing matter.

4) Shyamali Malakar
Sure, her jazzy take on ''Summertime'' wasn't at Fantasia levels, but at least she did it her way. Not only that, Sanjaya's sister is sassy without being mouthy, and her success would leave Simon regretting that ''nothing unique'' critique. Oh, snap!

5) Matt Sato
This 16-year-old's tearful phone call to mom was the emotional highlight of Idol's first week, but if we're being honest, his compelling backstory upstaged a good, but somewhat oversung, rendition of ''California Dreamin'.''

6) Blake Lewis
Human beatbox with insanely spiky hair scored a ticket to Hollywood — bringing his dad to tears — with a crazy-skillful rendition of Seal's ''Crazy,'' but Simon had a point that the guy may not be quite as good as he thinks he is.

7) Denise Jackson
Her ''And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going'' had power but lacked subtlety — much like her hooched-out red minidress and black crocheted sweater. One also has to wonder, was that ''crack baby'' revelation too much too soon?

8) Jordin Sparks
Clearly has The Voice, but not sure this 16-year-old daughter of an NFL star has the emotional depth to go with it. Seriously, choosing a Celine Dion power ballad as audition material? Yikes. Could be this year's answer to Lisa Tucker.

9) Michelle Steingas
Musically, it's hard to fault this 19-year-old's charming take on Deana Carter's ''If This Is Love,'' but riddle me this: If you had to pick her out of a lineup right now, could you do it? Needs to pick up some ''wow factor'' at her local mall — stat!

10) Jarrod Fowler
Charming Navy officer already triumphed in the USS Reagan's internal Idol challenge, but his rendition of ''Bless the Broken Road'' drew the dreaded cry of ''pitchiness'' from guest judge Jewel — and justifiably so.

11) Thomas Daniels
Chihuahua-carrying vocalist delivered a soulful, straightforward take on Amos Lee's ''Arms of a Woman,'' but teenage drunk-driving mug shot is already circulating the Internet. Looks like his ''elevator to the top'' is already going down.

12) Anna Kearns
The likable diva's eye-popping 6-foot-4 frame and flawless sense of rhythm could make her a future favorite with the drag-queen set, but her ''R-e-s-p-e-c-t'' was only ''d-e-c-e-n-t.'' Getting past Hollywood week will be a tall (sorry!) order.

13) Perla Meneses
Not even the judges enjoyed her wobbly take on ''Call Me,'' but a last-minute Shakira imitation, complete with come-hither jiggle, stamped a ticket to Hollywood. We'll be shocked if her ''hips'' carry her to the top 24.

14) Rachel Jenkins
Simon noted the sweet Army reservist's ''His Eye Is on the Sparrow'' started well, then ''fell apart'' — and he was putting it nicely. Which leaves us wondering: Why exactly is she going to Hollywood?

15) Trista Giese
Okay, so she didn't make it past the judges in Minneapolis, but her Cowardly Lion imitation was oddly hypnotic. May not be an American Idol, but sheeeee is the queeeen of the forrrrrrest!



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